Ask any 90TEN player, coach or parent to describe the 90TEN Basketball Training Academy and one word will always be mentioned – family.
“We want our 90TEN athletes to consider this whole program as a family. We talk a lot about how teammates are family also. We want our players to treat teammates as they would their own family,” explains Heidi Paschal, 90TEN Boys Coordinator & Coach.
Kai Johnson, 90TEN seventh grade boys team member shares, “I like 90TEN because it is more than a team it is a family. 90TEN is my basketball family. Even though we had not met each other before becoming a team, we have grown together like a family.”
Dottie Phillips, mother of Noah who also played on the seventh grade boys team explains, “We appreciate Robin Johnson setting out to do what she said by creating a family environment with skills training.” Noah adds, “They expect more than just playing basketball. It is a tight group like a family. We are held to higher standards to treat others well and with respect.”
Robin Johnson, Owner & Founder of the 90TEN Basketball Training Academy emphasizes, “Family comes first. We are creating our basketball family. And just like any family, you show them love and respect. It has been heart warming to see all these kids coming from different schools, most who did not know each other beforehand, and now they consider one another family. Not just teammates but everybody in the program. The unity of the program is amazing. They are so loyal to each other even outside of the gym. It has been really positive for us coaches to watch and experience.”
To learn more about the 90TEN Basketball Training Academy visit the website or Facebook page.